FCD’s Biologist
Boris has a MSc Degree in Management and Conservation of Tropical Forests and Biodiversity from CATIE, Costa Rica.
His Masters’ thesis was titled “The influence of habitat complexity and landscape context on the biodiversity conservation value of cacao agroforests in Waslala, Nicaragua,” which work allowed him to graduate with honors. Since obtaining his Associates degree in Environmental Science from Sacred Heart Junior College, Belize, in 2001 until 2007; he was an active consultant in the development of Environmental Impact Assessments, Rapid Ecological Assessments, biodiversity inventories and protected areas management plans. From 2007 to 2008, he divided his time in conducting consultancy work and guiding scientific expeditions and natural history tours into the wilderness of Belize. While studying at CATIE, he was an active volunteer in the Bird Monitoring Program of the institution, allowing him to gain ample knowledge in bird identification and research. Since 2011, he has been acting as Biologist and research coordinator for Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD), where he is spearheading scientific research in trying to understand how legal and illegal anthropogenic activities are impacting the Chiquibul Forest’s biodiversity and related implications on biodiversity conservation. His areas of research also focus on the national economical value of natural resources by quantifying the financial losses due to the illegal extraction of timber and non-timber forest products. He has also participated in numerous natural resources management workshops, seminars and congresses.